[...Yeah, she didnt tell me that either. Iam a mallu for heaven sake! We have no saying which revolves around rugs and lemonade. Ours got tigers and coconuts. She told me that when life gives you a lemon, you make lime pickle; and if you are still depressed, find some toddy to go along with that - Tys-on-Ice (http://tysonice.blogspot.com/2009/01/lend-me-your-year.html) ...]
once there was this dufus
whom destiny's dark hand always chooses
to put him in a state
where it is his fate
that even while winning he always looses!
doesn't take a brilliant mind to see
that indeed, that's me
who was lolling down south
with tongue hanging outta his mouth
and suddenly found himself in delhieee!
replanted in a whole new place
navigating the bloody maze
found that it wasn't easy
and drove me a little crazy
to browse, connect, blog or interface!
but slowly i got the knack
of juggling forth and slack
work, life , play and party
along with my online repartee
and today got my groove back!
[...and yeah, a few words from your sponsor before you log off. this is a true post even though the tone maybe flippant and rhyming a bit strangled. I have moved yet again; this time to the capital. Wish I could say it was in saerch of truth or some other crappy higher calling but its due to the emergence of...ah darn! it's work..dat's all....
...working on a post with vignettes (funny of course) of life here for the last four months and hope to post it soon...bear you me with...I mean if there is any one out there still reading this or feeding on this...are there any? or is this blog just a pale echo reflecting in the chasms of a Web 2.0 graveyard in between broken links and unpinned feedlets? Must...resist...manic...depressive...state. O 'ell, its 4 in the AM and time for me to wind up what I believe is the most personal I have been in this blog for a long time...H]
10 months ago