[ It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll / If you wanna be a star of stage and screen / Look out it's rough and mean ]
Summer of 2006: The young ,energetic lot of SITM 2006-2008 is ready to take on the world ....
Summer of 2008: We have been unleashed into the outside world...Battle scarred and hungry for success. We are ready to take on the world but it is a different thing whether we want to. Ruling it seems more easier.
We have, as a batch, had our struggles, sorrows, triumphs, victories, heartbreaks, joys and exhiliration. In the two years at SITM, we found much more than what we envisioned we would, we realized where we stand in the world, we gained new perspectives and regained focus.
How do you measure the success of any batch? Is it by the salaries that they are offered? The achievements they mete out or the benchmarks they set and reset for the future batches? It is not with pride but with humilty we say that we achieved all this, a 70% increase in Highest Salary, Focused media attention on events and achieved academic and extracurricular merits.
But, we do not believe that this is what measures our success. Our success lies in us...Each of us...THE CLASS OF 2008
[This is the snippet I wrote for the for our class's home page as an intro]
10 months ago
Hmm Looks like ur posts these days revolve more on ur MBA days ;) hehehe.. keep it comin
Aww...u been writing for newsletter n all...So did u manage to grab the attention of everybody in ur class,juniors,seniors,teachers etc etc etc AS ALWAYZ?
Ur class but of crse picked u to intro 'em ;-) i love it whn u say "How do u measure the sucess of a batch"...will be using it sumplace 'coz u have no copyrights on it ;-)
Good for people to know.
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