Kalia, Suppandi, Shikari Shambu, Kapish, Anwar…
Need I say more? If these names mean something to you than I am sure that you would be among the millions of after-youth’ers whose collective childhood were enriched by the wonderful monthly (later fortnightly and now weekly) Tinkle, has, believe it or not, comic book versions of folk tales from around the world (I realized that Cameroon is a country and not a dish after reading “Ngampa Goes to Market!”), nature documentaries, scientific experiments, do-it-yourself craft projects... and still have time to devote to regular features like the adventures of talking crows and flat-headed domestic servants.
It was edited by Anant Pai known to us only as "Uncle Pai", and he had the status of a demigod to us kids. Even when you grew a little older and it wasn't "cool" to read it anymore, you still had a stash hidden under your bed that you read when no-one was looking.
Now, as luck would have it, most of my stash was freely distributed to kids of relatives' (or they were just pawns in a major laundering operation and the books ultimately reached the different uncles and aunts!). It was fortunate that I happened to stumble upon some of them while attempting to stash my cigarettes clean the attic.
The characters and story lines haven't changed much from the past now but what has changed are the advertisements. Simple advertisements from a simpler time. A happier, more innocent decade. A happier, more innocent, and incredibly weird fucking decade.
I am starting this series to give you a glimpse of that decades because I have no work to do I am too lazy to write a fully fledged blog and would rather copy-paste what’s more wonderful than a crazy trip without LSD?
Starting with one of the trippiest ones ever; The Parry’s Éclairs! It was the poor cousin of the more famous Cadbury’s Éclairs, who had the cute girl from some movie or shit endorsing it. Much like Ashlee Simpson baring all to grab more attention than her better (WTF!) sounding sister, Parry’s decided to attack from the flank and produced this wonderful ad:
That is one stoned kid. Check out the amazing psychedelic vision you can experience by just dropping a couple of Parry's Éclairs. God damn I love the '80s. It was rumored that this one single ad managed to wean away all the future potheads and LSD fans from Cadbury's; who took a major hit in sales. Last seen, the Cadbury's girl was selling Vada-Pav in Churchgate and she still shudders on seeing anything remotely dark-brown.
10 months ago
Hehehe - that was so nostalgic.. u forgot Raja hoodja !!
Im now gonna pop a couple of parry's eclairs... coz i wanna get high ..lol
wat easy n "healthy" ways to get high no??
but the cadburys eclairs were too good i tell u!n that caramel toffee also. oh god! remb that coffe-toffee ad? Baah u make me miss toffes of those times!
(ya call me wat u want, i wont care!)
BTW LSD is short for??
for heavensakes will u remove the word-verification??o/w im not coming back here!
WOW! I don't remember this ad at all. Maybe I am too young or too old! :)
@ Musheer
Raja Hooja? You Mena Tantri the Mantri right? BTW...Don't have to miss it dude...it still comes in Tinkle
Healthy way? LoL..why do you think Mush is excited....
LSD is a hallucinogen drug. Lysergic Acid is the full form. Google it..It gives you fantastic hallucinations, full of bright colors and sounds!
Hope you remember Tinkle? Champak? Chandamama? Ah..I think you were brought up in US, is it? Then definitely you wouldn't have...This one was a regular ad in that.
My kids love Tinkle..and omg--how did you dig up those ads! :)
preeti (just a mother of two)
I've never seen this ad...but I have to say, I was rolling in the floor when I read the part about the Cadbury's girl!
to tell you the truth...so do I. I found a stash of the old ones at my uncle's place and that's how I got these. Have more of them and will post soon...
even I never looked at these ads in that light till now. All said and done, Tinkle was and still is (bought the latest issues yesterday, heh! heh!) a quality magazine...
I need those issues now .. buy some for me also ..
yeah sure...get em from me anytime..but these ads are a ting of the past...so :-)
omg! I LOVED Tinkle and Chacha Chaudhry! That commment brought back a rush of memories:)
Wow from where did you get those ads?? Reminds me of the Chandamama I used to read..
*Chuckle* yeah the kid does look stoned. I think its the effect of the 70's flower power!
i love tinkle still...but chacha chaudhary? its too funny for words but not the way the creators intended it to be...
chk this out:
from an old issue of tinkle...and there's many more where it comes from, so watch this space for more :-)
Chandamama...wowieee...who can forget that!! I remember their stories, used to ooze out morals so much it made The Bible sound like Playboy!
wow these are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
I'm totally coming back...linking your blog to mine now!
Ohh, this brought back so many memories! I loved reading Tinkle when I was younger. :)
thank you!!
I may sound like a broken record, but, I STILL DO!!
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