[this was a tag from pavi who wanted me to write a story based on my favorite color. black is what it is. i have borrowed heavily from myths and maybe twisted a few facts here and there due to ignorance or to fit the story, my apologies]
Shyama was his name.Literally meant black. And so was he.
Born of wealthy if vaishya traders who have been entrenched in their business of precious silks and diamonds since the time of King Raghu. His dad Rakhtahasa was a boisterous man who, legend has it, rode along with King Dasharatha in many of his wars. The king, and certainly lady luck, had heaped fortunes upon him. Only one worry nagged at his soul, of his son Shyama.
Shyama was black and not the fiery and subtle shade of a cloud like their Prince who was in exile ( as told by the bards who always referred to him as dark as a cloud) but literally black as an asura. In a society that measured virtue a lot by the appearance of the person, that meant that he was generally an outcast. Alienated, even though a eleven year old.
Just because he was black.
On that day of Ashadha, he was at the stables, grooming Markasha, his dad's favorite stallion. The horse was his only companion and his adoloescent mind often wondered why black was so prized in a horse while he was shunned for the same. Ah, the quirks of grown-ups!
Shunned would be harsh as the people around him, the dasis, the stable hands and usual coterie of clerks and servants could hardly be disrespectful the young master. Atleast not in an obvious way. But on and off, an ill placed snigger and snatches of conversation reminded him of his color.
"by Indra! is it true Durasta missed him while he was on his way to light the lamps?"
"our master, shines like lord Surya in the month of Phalguna but look at his son..."
They called him an Asura or a demon. That's what irked him the most. More than the fact that his dad never used to act least bit bothered even though he was sure to be tuned to the sea of rumors. Not even during that ghastly episode during the Madira orgy where a rival trader openly questioned his mother's chastity. Rage had boiled inside Shyama but he was an unwelcome visitor feasting on savories from under the table. He was amazed at the self restraint shown by his father.
All because he was black.
He was tired of all this and he sought means to end it all. He had heard about the ill effects of Kartaraasa, the medicine for colic-ridden horses and which was kept in the apothecary's room.
A sudden roar like the ones never heard before interrupted his reverie. He was aware that it was coming from the main street of Ayodhya, which his house overlooked. He left his grooming tools in the stables and ran into the house. There was a generous amount of chaos inside the house and all along, a feverishbluster.
People were running to the front door or to any of the balconies over looking the streets as it seemed to be the cynosure of all activity.
"he's back"
"oh my lord, he has returned to be with us"
"...ruler of all.."
"Ravana is dead?"
"even Vanaras..."
"14 years...so long"
he could not make any sense of anything and he made his way to the main balcony. Surprisingly, it was crowded too, with an array of dasis waiting with thalis laden with flower petals and lamps. He tried in vain to push through the line blocking his view but settled for an audio commentary.
Soon, there was a hush among the crowd. More than a general sense of quiet, Shyama could feel the anticipation building in everyone around him and the air was heavy with it.
A loud collective cheer broke it like a thunder clap and shouts thronged the air.
"Jai ShriRam! Jai Jai ShriRam"
The dasis were showering flowers on the street and there were cries from the older ones in the balcony.
"It has been 14 years, oh god, I thought he would never come back", cried old Duvarya. One of the younger ones interjected,"but, he...he is so...I mean...------"
Shyama, who did not hear the uttered word, wondered what she could find incongruous in the prince.
"be careful about what you speak of, you young imbecile. he is the lord, reincarnate of the Lord Vishnu, heir to the Suryavamsha and true King of Ayodhya. You dare say that about him? So is our young master, isn't he?"
It was evident that they hadn't seen him yet. Else they would not be speaking about him. Still, he wondered what he had in common with the prince that drew that interjection from the dasis.
Curiosity welled up inside him as he resolutely pushed away at the line and finally got a glimpse of the road.
There were throngs of ministers, soldiers, generals, vassals, courtiers and noble men along with the Regent-King Bharata standing in front of the small party of three. The crowd all around them was chanting Rama's name and as in his balcony, all around the street, flower petals were being showered upon him. All the houses were lit up with millions of oil lamps and the whole seen shimmered like an unreal vision of Swarga.
All for Rama, the prince who came back.
Rama, who was as black as him.
He never thought about the Apothecary's room ever.
10 months ago
Thanks...i asked u to do take up this tag..coz i wanted to read a story from u...n am glad that i did :)
Very imaginative n very creative and to think the time btw me tellin u abt this tag and me reading this story on ur blog is all of 20-25 mins !
Glad to know that you're glad.. :-P
and thank youuuu for the compliments and also for firing it up inside me...even I was surprised at how fast it came out!
You had me in rapt attention reading this post! Wah- kya lekhak ho!!
An extremely witty, well written and brilliant execution of pseudo mythology:) Heck, you should try pushing this to cosmetic giant- for a"before" fairness cream commercial !
The characterization is spot on, and you painted the background really well!
@ Ranjani
Wow...really? Thanks a lot!! That is indeed high praise.
Mythology had always fascinated me, specifically, the dynamics of those times and how did the gods and incarnates (if they existed) live like humans. Were they plagued my emotions, indecision, hatred, insecurity?
This is just a small attempt. Would love to write about a real protagonist, as in Lord Rama or Krishna but I doubt I have the skill to weave that story now. So I am limiting myself to events as seen from the eye's of the common (?) populace and how it affected them.
This is a great write-up! Very detailed and realistic. Moreover, it captures well the turmoil of the young child and the hypocrisy of those who lives with biases.
Nice work!!
Excellent - simply superb. I kinda knew where it was going, being a major Hinduism buff 'n all. Funnily enough, one of my long term ambitions is to write a pseudo-mythical children's (or young adults') book. The story is set some 40 generations after Krishna, centered around Ayodhya, and traversing all the major kingdoms of Bharatavarsha & beyond! It will have elements of Star Wars and LOTR in a simple plot centered around an exiled prince and his guardian, with each chapter revolving around a particular virtue/vice. Some day!
thank you...
even I am a major hindu-myth buff..
I can't help feel a li'l smug when I see the west (esp US) trying to make to do with an amalgamation of all their myths or invent them like LOTR / Star Wars /Star Trek while we wallow in thousands of eons worth of stories!!
Full support from my end dude for your book...sounds an interesting idea!!
Also, you should read Ashok Banker's Ramayana series...
Uusally i hate reading fiction on blogs and mostly skip them.This one I really liked.
Nice story...refreshing look at an old tale...
First time here and man is this impressive. That was an extremely creative and well narrated story.
One question remain, does Ram ride a black stallion? :-)
Keep writing and we are all eyes...
Thanks Preeti...Glad to know my story helped break the prejudice
Yeah, you got what it was meant to be. I find it therapeutic to explore how major events would have looked from a different view than the protagonist
Thank you Salil :-)
I didn't quite the one about the stallion. If you mean tthe one in the story that was Shayama's dad's ;-)
Nice one bro....The whole scenario had that unexplainable aura...Should post more stuff like this...
wow, dat was really well written :)
hey, i came here for the first time and am glad that i did. :) it was refreshiing to read a story which went back so many centuries! My fav colour is also "black"!
Shall keep coming back for sure!! :)
Thanks bro... :-)
Thank you...Made my day :)
Also, welcome to my space...
Welcome here for the first time..
Hope you liked it...
And you're always welcome to visit..Read your blog and have left comments..you really write well...and its amazing how you churn out stories so fast!
You are a great writer...I cant construct mythology...That is one skill that I would like to have...
highly impressive...you have a fan.
Scribblers Inc.
How about a ganesh story next? It was Ganesh pooja yesterday I believe...!!
@scribblers inc
thats awefully nice of you...thnk you..
this is the second non-tag request I am getting in 2 days...im on the first...and will definitely do this after it..
OKAY! now enuf of glowing under the success of this story..can u pls come up wit sumthing new??
when did I gloat! You meanie :-)
ok...the nexxt is in the pipeline!!
U really need to be good to be able to write like this i guess, some complex words, multiple angles n viewpoints n that poetic touch, some words go over my head...thats how u become a good writer :)
I guess I am not a good writer if some words go over your head :(
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