Avid readers of this blog would remember the post about Chacha Chaudhary, a frightening old man with a single set of clothes and a scary, warped sense of vigilante justice. He was "The Old Knight" akin Bruce Wayne for Gotham.
Now, I had ended the last post with this:
Yes, this story had everything... except Sabu. This world would be a better place if all stories had more Sabu in them. In fact, even Sholay could have been made better by simply including Sabu in it. Can't you just see it?Yes, now the time has come to fulfill my promise. No, No...put that paper bag down..I didn't mean the promise about barfing but to introduce you to one of most rocking sidekicks!
I’ll try to get a clip featuring Sabu. In case you don’t know him, hes from Jupiter, is 60 Feet Tall and every time he gets angry a volcano erupts somewhere in the universe. Do I hear you barfing??
He's not gay like Robin, Dissaparate like Supergirl, irritating like Orko or...well you get the point!
Now, without too much ado, let me get straight to the comic:

1) Chacha Chaudhary outsmarts people
2) Sabu whacks the shit out of people
3) Chacha Chaudhary and Sabu outsmart people by whacking the shit out of them
Moving on, we finally see a female presence in the comic. The angry woman on the right is Chacha Chaudhary's wife. She always has this huge rolling pin in her hand, which I think is supposed to hint at the fact that she beats Chacha Chaudhary into submission (or her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to make chappathis all day long!)
Now, the setup to this story is simple - Chacha Chaudhary and Sabu need to earn some money or they won't get to eat anything for dinner. It's really impressive the way Chacha Chaudhary manages to set up the plot right in the first page. Actually that's not so impressive when you figure that the stories are just three pages each.
Another thing you have to realize is that being able and efficient crimefighters (for a very generous description of crime and an even more liberal definition of crimefighters) these two have accumulated a horde of enemies who resemble the who's who of shitty comic book villians. One of them is Dagroo, who has a major grouse with Sabu (If I were him, I would have a major grouse with the artist who drew him like a constipated porcupine!)

Can't you feel the sense of impending doom? I could look at that bottom frame forever.

Hah! He didn't even feel it the first time. The stick just cracked and bounced off his shiny bald head. Weren't expecting that, were you, Mr. Shabroo? Undaunted, he picks up an iron box that happens to be full of money. Who the hell puts money in an iron box and then leaves it lying around town? Now you know why Chacha Chaudhary is supposed to be so smart: everybody else in the town is a complete retard.
There's something else very strange about the third frame on this page. Who is that calling "Yes, go ahead." from the left? We know there are only three characters present, two of whom are in the frame. That leaves just the photographer. And his schizophrenic alter ego.
These comics should come with warnings; I'm sure there are kids who've had seizures while reading this.
Did I tell you? Not satisfied with giving us mental diarrhea with such a character, the creator had actually the guts to introduce us to his twin brother?
OK...Calm down..and p-u-t t-h-e g-u-n d-o-w-n!
He he..we'll leave it for another day, shall we?