Monday, August 23, 2004

hot dog

ladies and gentlement! Introducing the Chocolate Starfish!
and the Hotdog Flavored Water Bring it on!
get the fuck up!
yeah! check, one, two Listen up, listen up! Here we go
It's a fucked world We're a fucked up place
Everybody's judged by their fucked up face
Fucked up dreams Fucked up life
A fucked up kid With a fucked up knife
Fucked up moms And fucked dads
It's a fucked up a cop With a fucked up badge
Fucked up job With fucked up pay
And a fucked up boss Is a fucked up pain
Fucked up press And fucked up lies
Well, Lethal's in the back With the fact of the fires
Hey, it's on Everybody knows this song Hey, it's on Everybody knows this song


Anonymous said...

Booger Brain
U are one fucked up Guy!!!
Butt Breath